The central park is a popular tourist destination in Hulhumale.

We, the local residents, find this lush open space quite appealing, and it consistently draws us in, even if we only take a quick peek. The largest green area in Hulhumalé is Central Park, which is separated into four main areas: the mosque area, featuring the biggest water fountain in the Maldives; the leisure area; the interactive area, and the recreational area.

Both residents and visitors find it to be a peaceful place where they can sit under a shaded tree and finally overcome their procrastination, finish an essay that is due in a few short weeks, or simply read their favorite book while enjoying the breeze. It’s also the perfect location for a family get-together or an early morning run around the 8 hectares of land, away from the busy city life. One of Hulhumalé’s top locations for photography right now is the Leisure Zone. Many people arrange photo sessions on the viewing platform, by the pond, or in the general greenery of the leisure zone, and these sessions often take up the entire weekend.

Within the recreation area is a dedicated outdoor gym space. From early morning until late at night, runners and walkers make use of these areas. Despite the availability of these amenities, residents and tourists still enjoy running on the tree-lined lanes in Hulhumalé. Running has long been a beloved pastime of the Hulhumalé community.

On weekends and at night, children take over the recreational zone’s skating rink. In the past, people were unable to participate in this sport due to a lack of space, but nowadays, young children and toddlers frequently set aside time for this thrilling sport.

Our goal in creating Central Park is evident in its current state, and in the enjoyment, both residents and visitors derive from it, even during the ongoing construction. The mosque area, the interactive zone, and a few parts of the recreation area are currently being built. The only fully developed area in Central Park is the leisure zone.

To keep our community healthy, Hulhumalé promotes new health trends and an outdoor lifestyle. Central Park allows people to experience nature in all its forms and serves as a hub for social and cultural interaction. When it is finished, our neighborhood will have much to enjoy and a sight to behold.