How to go by bus or ferry from Male to Hulhumale in the Maldives.

How can I take a bus to Hulhumale?

Bus stops in the Maldives close to Hulhumale

  • 3 minutes’ walk from Kelaa Magu, 11084
  • Asurumaa Hingun, a 6-minute stroll

Ferry stops in the Maldives close to Hulhumale

  • 13-minute walk to Hulhumale Ferry Terminal.


Maldives bus routes to Hulhumale :-

  • B2, The Carnival,
  • 01, Hulhumale – Velana International Airport
  • 02, Velana International Airport, Hulhumale
  • N1, the neighborhood of Hulhumalé


Questions and Responses

Which stations are the nearest to Hulhumale?

The stations that are nearest to Hulhumale are:

  • It is a 3-minute walk (217 meters) to Kelaa Magu, 11084.
  • It takes 6 minutes to walk 398 meters to reach Asurumaa Hingun.


Walk time to Hulhumale Ferry Terminal is 13 minutes, or 994 meters

Whatever bus routes stop close to Hulhumale?Bus routes B1, B2, and C2 stop close to Hulhumale.


  • When does this ferry line arrive at Hulhumale?


  • Which Maldivian bus stop is closest to Hulhumale?
    Kelaa Magu, 11084 is the closest bus stop to Hulhumale in the Maldives. It is three minutes’ walk away.


  • Which Maldivian ferry terminal is closest to Hulhumale?
    Hulhumale Ferry Terminal is the closest ferry terminal to Hulhumale in the Maldives. Walk time is thirteen minutes.


  • When is the first bus from the Maldives to Hulhumale?
    The first bus to Hulhumale in the Maldives is the 02 bus. It arrives at its station at 3:00 AM.


  • When does the last bus from the Maldives to Hulhumale leave?
    The final bus reaching Hulhumale in the Maldives is the N1. It ends close by at 2:51 AM.


  • When is the first ferry from the Maldives to Hulhumale?
    The first ferry to Hulhumale in the Maldives is called the LINK. The closest stop is at 5:30 AM.


  • When does the last ferry from the Maldives to Hulhumale leave?
    The final ferry to Hulhumale in the Maldives is called the LINK. Around 1:30 AM, it comes to an end.