Tourist Attraction: Tsunami Monument in Male, Maldives

The Tsunami Monument, which is situated in Malé, the capital of the Republic of the Maldives, is a memorial dedicated to the victims of the 2004 tsunami that ravaged several nations bordering the Indian Ocean. Several countries were devastated by the massive undersea earthquake that struck Sumatra, Indonesia, on December 26, 2004. The Maldives was one of the countries most severely hit.

Today, tourists may observe the memorial erected in memory of that day in the capital. When the tsunami crossed the country, it caused significant material damage and 74 fatalities. The monument, which is a very interesting location, rises from the point where the sea meets the land, and steel balls that symbolize the nation’s twenty atolls are placed there.

It was intended for them to symbolize the swelling waters of the tsunami as they rise towards the sky. The vertically arranged iron rods that represent the lost lives, each bearing the victim’s name inscribed on it, are the focal point of the monument.

Situated in the southeast of Malé, the Tsunami Monument is a fascinating location for surfers and anybody else looking to unwind while taking in the sound of the waves gently lapping the shore.